Foster FAQs
Q: What are the requirements to become an approved Foster Home?
A: You must complete our online Foster Application, telephone interview, personal and current veterinarian reference checks, and a home inspection.
Q: What costs are associated with fostering?
A: SENC Rescue Inc. takes care of all pre-approved and emergency medical bills, medications, etc., for any Newf in our foster program. It would be greatly appreciated if the Foster Home could provide quality dog food kibble. Please feel free to ask for brand suggestions.
Q: How long will the foster dog stay in my home?
A: This can range anywhere from 2 weeks to several months. It can depend on the availability of approved adoptive homes or the medical condition of the Newf you are fostering.
Q: Do I need any special housing to foster?
A: Yes, SENC Rescue, Inc. requires a fenced in yard and the ability to crate or keep the foster dog separate from other pets in your household, for at least 7 days. This will vary with each individual dog and may not be a requirement for every Newf. The rescue coordinator will provide this information before placing the Newf with the Foster Home.
Q: What else is involved with fostering?
A: First and foremost, we ask that you provide a safe, loving environment. We require our foster families to complete an on-line weekly Foster Evaluation, as well as keeping track of any behavioral or medical issues, likes and dislikes. This helps us place the foster dog in the appropriate adoptive home.
Q: Would I be responsible for placing the dog myself?
A: No, however, we definitely value the foster persons opinions and concerns regarding an approved adoptive family. The rescue coordinator does make the final decision where a Newf is placed.
Q: How long am I expected to foster?
A: We prefer that you commit to fostering your animal until an adoptive home can be found. Unfortunately, we cannot predict how long this will take. It depends on the animal’s age, temperament, and the time of year. If you can only foster for a specific period of time, please be certain to indicate this up front to the SENC Rescue, Inc coordinator you are working with. Sometimes another foster home can’t be found, which means that your animal must go to a boarding facility. We prefer to avoid boarding animals because it’s both stressful for the animal and expensive. Still, if you find you cannot continue fostering your animal, contact your coordinator immediately.
Q: What if my foster pet has to go to the vet?
A: Any and All expenses incurred by the foster provider(s) without pre-approval from SENC Rescue, Inc. SHALL be the foster provider’s responsibility; SENC Rescue, Inc. will not reimburse any unapproved expenses. In the event of the foster provider’s failure to obtain pre-approval for veterinary visits, treatments and expenses, the foster dog *may* be removed from the foster provider’s care. Exceptions may be made in cases of emergencies (life or death). However, foster provider(s) shall contact SENC Rescue, Inc. without delay for further instructions.
Examples of emergencies: Bloat, poisoning, prolonged vomiting and/or diarrhea.
Q: What if my foster animal isn’t working out?
A: SENC Rescue, Inc. will make every effort to ensure a good and safe foster match. However, there are times when this will fail. In this case, contact any rescue coordinator as soon as possible. If the issues are minor, we will work with you to address them. Many times, problems can be solved by trying a few new things and/or by giving the animal time to adjust to your home. For example, we can switch crates, switch foods, or offer simple behavioral solutions to try. We may also have a trainer work with you. Other times, an animal may simply not be a good fit for your home or lifestyle. SENC Rescue, Inc. will always take the foster animal back if an issue cannot be resolved. However, we ask that you give us at least 24 hours to make a plan. If that is not possible, we will make emergency arrangements. SENC Rescue, Inc. never wants to put the safety of the Foster person, their own animals, or the foster animal in jeopardy.
Q: Can I adopt my foster animal?
A: Yes, absolutely. But keep in mind that adopting your foster animal may mean that you can no longer foster. We’ll be sad to lose you! Think through the decision carefully so that you are not deciding to keep the animal solely because it is too difficult to let him/her go. The first few foster experiences can be difficult, as you’ll get attached and may have trouble letting go. But remember, your role as a Foster person is invaluable! As an adopter you may only be able to save one animal’s life, but as a foster parent you have the potential to help dozens of animals. You will need to work with your SENC Rescue, Inc. coordinator to complete your adoption of your foster Newf.
Q: What if I have to leave town?
A: Please notify us ahead of time so that we can make arrangements for your foster animal to go elsewhere. Some foster people (who have other pets) have dog sitters who will also watch their foster dog. Other Foster volunteers like to travel with their foster dog. Others may have a boarding facility they work with. We are open to ideas, but cannot afford to cover the costs of dog sitters or expensive boarding facilities. If you wish to pay for these options once they are approved by SENC Rescue, Inc., that is great (and can be considered a donation)! If you cannot, SENC Rescue, Inc. will make arrangements either with one of our vets or with another Foster volunteer. Be sure to give us enough warning so that we can make these arrangements. Keep in mind that holidays can be difficult to find space and are expensive. The more advance time we have, the better!
Q: What if I have an emergency and have to leave town suddenly?
A: Contact your SENC Rescue, Inc. coordinator right away. We will work with you to find a suitable option or have you bring the animal to one of our vets for boarding.
Q: Can I take my foster dog to the dog park or hiking?
A: Absolutely, but only after you get to know the dog and know that he/she will do well in that environment. Going to the dog park prematurely may result in a fight, and we cannot afford expensive vet bills. And of course, we don’t want your foster dog or any other dog harmed. And NEVER take your dog off-leash unless you are in a fully fenced, secure area. Be aware, too, that some dogs like to climb or jump fences, so be sure to pay close attention the first time you take your foster dog off-leash. You will be surprised at which dogs like to and can jump fences! Putting your foster dog in a situation that could bring danger to him/her or others is something every foster needs to think carefully about.
Q: I want to get on your Foster list, what do I do now?
A: You can fill out an application by clicking the link here.